Franklin Historical Museum to Reopen
We’re very happy to be able to announce that the Franklin Historical Museum will be open, with restrictions, as of Sunday November 1st. The Historic Commission has announced the museum will be open with a limited schedule, once a week, on Sundays 1p.m. – 4 p.m. Stop in to visit our new and improved Gift Shop featuring new items unique to Franklin. This year we have two new Holiday ornaments to add to your tree – depicting The Ray Memorial Library and the Downtown Water Trough in Clark Square, selling for $18 each. Ornaments have been very popular and have sold out the past 2 years. Be sure to get yours early before they’re gone. Other items added to the Gift Shop shelves this year are Hometown Candles, pillows, mugs and much more. The Gift Shop is run by the Friends of the Franklin Historical Museum. Profits go towards supporting museum programs.
Due to the ongoing Covid epidemic, everyone visiting the museum will be required to wear a mask. Guests will provide their name and contact information upon entering to allow for contact tracing if needed. There is a building occupancy capacity, so we ask that people are patient in the event we reach our capacity. Patrons will be able to look, read and observe, but will not be allowed to touch items in the museum for safety, and will be required to maintain social distancing. Please be aware that our research library will be temporarily closed to the public and we are putting a hold on physical donations to our collections for the time being. We thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.
Our limited schedule and Covid protocols are a necessary yet temporary arrangement. As conditions change and improve, we will most certainly move to a more regular schedule. Our ever popular Second Sunday Speaker Series will hopefully return at some point early next year. Finally, workers have been measuring, cutting and hammering behind the scenes at the museum on the installation of a very intriguing and historically unique Franklin exhibit. More details to follow with an opening date for the exhibit to be announced. Check back here for more exciting details coming soon.
Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram. Look for our Trivia Tuesdays the second Tuesday of each month on Instagram. Visit us at 80 West Central Street, Franklin MA. The museum is ADA compliant and admission is always Free. Donations are gratefully accepted.
The Franklin Historical Museum is located at 80 West Central St., Franklin.