Tri-County RVTHS Juniors Assist Elders to Prepare for CNA Certification

Tri-Country RVTHS Juniors were excited to get back out and start working in a clinical setting this February. After nearly a year of being unable to go into a clinical setting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Juniors are eager and excited to help the residents at the Timothy Daniel’s House in Holliston. “Our students missed those meaningful connections they make with the residents,” says Kylie Geikie, Health Careers instructor. Students help the thirty long-term care patients with activities such as feeding, bathing/showering, transferring with and without a Hoyer lift, ambulation, incontinence care, personal companionship, and taking vitals. The care they provide for these residents helps ease the facilities workers’ burden and allows the students to earn the hours needed for their CNA Certification.
The students have risen to the challenge of COVID-19, used their knowledge of infectious diseases and infection control practices to care for the most vulnerable population. Typically, the Tri-County students would do their clinical hours throughout the year in preparation for a cooperative education (Co-op) position in their senior year; however, this year, students were restricted by the visitation limitations set forth by facilities. Tri-County is the only school in the radius currently participating in on-site clinical hours.
Tri-County students usually work at a long-term facility which houses approximately 100 long-term care patients, and have been enjoying the smaller, more intimate setting of the Timothy Daniel’s House. Working with fewer patients has allowed the students to spend more time with each resident and build a relationship.
“The level of compassion, empathy, and passion our students bring to each day of the clinical is inspiring,” commented Geikie.