Franklin’s Annual Empty Bowls Event June 10th

Franklin’s annual Empty Bowls event will take place on June 10th at Franklin High School in the Ceramics Studio between 5 and 7:30 p.m. This year, visitors will come to the ceramic’s studio, pick out a bowl and be able to peruse beautiful handmade auction items. The Auction will be open for on-line bidding and will remain open until June 20th.
Empty Bowls is an international grass roots effort to fight hunger and raise funds to support local pantries. The Franklin Food Pantry and the FHS Empty Bowls Club work together to support the cause locally. For more information about the event, visit or call (508) 528-3115.
About the Franklin High School Empty Bowls Club
Franklin High School is participating in an international charity project called Empty Bowls, which supports hunger initiatives in local communities. The objective of the Empty Bowls Club is to teach students of all ages that they can make a difference in their local community. Club members, their families, coupled with the Franklin community spend the year making ceramic bowls by hand. Then, the Empty Bowls Club and the Franklin Food Pantry co-host a fundraiser at FHS. All funds raised at this event are donated directly to the Franklin Food Pantry.
About the Franklin Food Pantry
The Franklin Food Pantry offers supplemental food assistance and household necessities to over 1,400 individuals. Neighbors have access to a variety of fresh, frozen and nonperishable foods on weekly shopping trips for drive-up distribution. As a nonprofit organization, the Pantry depends entirely on donations, and receives no town or state funding. Visit more information.