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August at the Franklin Public Library

The Library’s summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Book Sale
Franklin Library Book Sale 
Friday, August 20, 1-5 p.m.  Saturday, August 21, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon.
All books are just one dollar! Bag Sale - $5 A Bag, from 1-4 p.m. 
Programs for Children and Teens
Animal Guess Who! Monday-Friday
Join us all summer long for a fun guessing game of name that animal! Clues posted Monday-Friday, and correct guesses each week will be entered into a raffle! 
Move Along! Mondays @ 10:30 a.m.
Dungeons & Dragons! Mondays @ 3:30 p.m. on Discord/Roll20 Kids ages 7-15! Email [email protected] to get involved!
Cool Cruisers! Tuesdays @ 9:30 a.m., for babies who have graduated from tummy time and are scooting all over the place! 
Toe-Tapping Tuesdays! Tuesdays @ 4 p.m. Let’s play some music and get those little toes moving! 
Tummy Time! Thursdays @ 9:30 a.m., Babies and caregivers: join us each Thursday morning for Tummy Time! 
Bookworm Bounce! Thursdays @ 4 p.m., story time full of music, movement, stories, and other interactive activities!
Happy Feet! *SOME* Fridays @ 10:30 a.m. We will have fun learning to move to the music while building coordination and confidence.
Summer Secret Coders *SOME* Fridays @11 a.m.
Make projects, cool crafts, and play games based on The Secret Coders, by Gene Luen Yang
Farmers Market Fun! Fridays @ 3:30 p.m. Special themed events each week
Special Events for Kids & Families in August!
Take & Make: Rock Photo Holders!
Starting Monday August 2nd stop by the library to pick up your very own rock photo holder kit. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! 
Rainforest Reptiles - Desert Animals! - Wednesday, August 4th @ 1 p.m. IDEAL FOR KIDS IN GRADE 2+
August StoryWalk at DelCarte Park!
Starting Saturday, August 7th through September, the Franklin Recreation Department and the Franklin Public Library are teaming up again for a summer series of StoryWalks on the trail! 
Read & Draw with Scott Magoon! Saturday, August 7th @ 10:30 a.m.
We are celebrating our August StoryWalk with a special, first-time visit from author and illustrator Scott Magoon! We’ll listen as he reads a story and learn how to draw Misunderstood Shark!
Coastie the Tugboat! Wednesday, August 11th @ 1 p.m.
Coastie is a hilarious tugboat, that talks, plays music, and interacts with kids while teaching all about staying safe in the water! 
Shark Seek-N-Find! Saturday, August 14th @ 10 a.m. 
Digeridoo Down Under Live Virtual Performance! Wednesday, August 18th @ 1 p.m. on Zoom
Join us virtually for a fun, energetic fusion of Australian music, culture, comedy, character building, storytelling and audience movement and participation! To register please email [email protected]!
Outback Olympics! Saturday, August 21st @ 10:30 a.m.
Make with Miss Mitzi: Macramé! Saturday, August 21st @ 1 p.m. To register email Mitzi at [email protected]
Mythical Creatures Drawing Class! Wednesday, August 25th @ 1 p.m. on Zoom
Join us as we welcome illustrator Corinne Roberts. Supplies needed: a pencil, paper and eraser.
Email Bree at [email protected]. Ideal for kids ages 6+
Unicorn Seek-N-Find! Saturday, August 28 @ 10 a.m.
Where in Franklin is Miss Caleigh and her magical friend? Follow the clues posted in the Facebook event.
Weekly / monthly Events for Teens
Weekly and Special events are currently scheduled to be in-person, outdoor programs at the library unless otherwise noted!
Dungeons & Dragons! Mondays @ 3:30 p.m.on Discord/Roll20 Kids ages 7-15! Email [email protected] to get involved!
Teen Al Fresco Book Bites! Wednesdays @ 4:30 p.m. Teens! Bring along a picnic meal and a blanket, and join us outside on the grass outside the library for a casual chat about what we’re all reading!
Teen Advisory Board! 2nd Wednesday of the Month @ 6:30 p.m.
Special Events for Teens in August!
Teen Take & Make: Air Plant Terrariums!
Starting Monday, August 2nd stop by the library to pick up your very own terrarium kit! Kits include supplies and instructions! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! 
Teen Take & Make: Enchanter Paper Rose!
Starting Monday, August 16th stop by the library to pick up your very own paper rose kit! Kits include supplies and instructions! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! 
Teen Mystery Party! Wednesday, August 18th @ 5:30 p.m.
Make with Miss Mitzi: Macramé! Saturday, August 21st @ 1 p.m. To register email Mitzi at [email protected]
Events for Adults
Take and Make Craft for Adults: Applique and Embroidery, Collaboration of the Franklin Mill Store and Franklin Public Library. Starting August 2, kits available to the first 35 Franklin residents to sign up. Please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala (508) 520-4941, or [email protected]

Yoga with Bethany, Tuesdays, August 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31, 6:30 p.m.
Friends of the Franklin Library Community Room. Bring yoga mat. No registration required! For more information, please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala [email protected] .
Spark Joy, Franklin!
Live Q&A, Wednesday, August 18, 7 p.m.
Certified Silver level Konmari Consultant Shannon Honeycutt will be bringing the life-changing magic of tidying to you through her Spark Joy Progam. Learn the KonMari philosophy and guiding principles needed to tidy once and for all and leave you feeling motivated! Be sure to have a standard t-shirt and a pair of pants ready for the folding activity as you will learn the famous KonMari Vertical folding technique.
Pre-recorded program will be available to view at Tuesday, August 17, 7 a.m. through Thursday, August 19, 7 a.m. Live Q&A Wednesday, August 18 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Franklin Public Library Book Club, Tuesday, August 24, 7 p.m. The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd. To reserve a copy, or for more information, please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala at [email protected] . To register, please visit .
Knitting Group, Fridays, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friends of the Franklin Library Community Room