Franklin Memorial Day Parade to Resume after 3 Year Hiatus

By Angie Fitton
Memorial Day, a time when most people gather for BBQs and parties, is the unofficial start to summer. But it stands for so much more than grilling burgers and outdoor celebrations. It is the day when we remember and honor those who have fallen protecting our freedoms. To commemorate this important day, Franklin Veterans’ Services, American Legion Post 75, VFW Post 3402, and the Franklin Senior Center are collaborating and setting up activities in town.
The events start on May 27th with breakfast at the Franklin Senior Center from 9-11am. You can call (508) 520-4945 by May 13th to RSVP. Breakfast is for Veterans and community members alike. The Franklin high school choir will be performing, there will be a bugler playing TAPS, a Color Guard appearance and several guest speakers. It will be catered by Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School culinary department, headed by Nancy Haney. The students will be serving the food alongside Senior Center volunteers.
On Monday May 30th, for the first time in 3 years, the Memorial Day parade will be starting at 10:30am at Dean College with a ceremony by the Honor Guard. The parade proceeds to the library, takes a left onto School Street, crosses Union Street to Route 140, then follows 140 to Beaver Street and ends at the Town Common in front of St. Mary’s. A ceremony will directly follow the parade at 12 noon on the Town Common.
The parade Marshal and featured speaker is Veteran Bob Catalano. Mr. Catalano served in the Navy in WWII as an underwater welder and looks forward to cel ebrating his 100th birthday in October. Other speakers will include Rep. Jeff Roy and Town Administrator Jamie Hellen.
This parade, which has rifle salutes at all three Franklin cemeteries, is open to local Veterans who would like to participate. There will be antique cars for Veterans who cannot walk the parade route and five bands, including those from Franklin Middle and High Schools and Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School. Local Scout troops will be represented in the parade and ceremony as well.
“The VFW and American Legion have really stepped up to the plate,” states Shannon Nisbett, Franklin Veterans Services Officer. The Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony also wouldn’t be possible without the help of law enforcement. “The Franklin Police Department has been a huge help with the planning process,” says Ernest Carruthers, Quartermaster of the VFW Post 3402.
A week before the parade, all the flags in the cemeteries on Union Street, City Mills and at St. Mary’s will be replaced, with the help of some Scouts units. “Veterans need to be honored, and when flags look crummy, that’s not honoring them,” Dick Hynes, First Vice Commander of American Legion Post 75, says.
The American Legion will have the Honor Guard and a Rifle Salute at the Town Common and the VFW will be tolling the bell and reading the names of all Franklin Veterans who have passed away in the last year, as well as honoring the 45 fallen heroes who have died in combat since WWI.
Franklin TV will be videotaping all Memorial Day events. If you’re a veteran who wants to march in the parade, please call (508) 613-1315. To check on parade and ceremony status in the event of inclement weather, please visit