Franklin Knights’ Food Card Fundraiser Online through April 16 Knights Will Also Set Up Table after Masses April 1 & 2 at St. Mary Church

The Knights of Columbus (Sacred Heart Council - St. Mary Church in Franklin, MA) is holding our annual Spring Fundraiser for those who are in need. ALL proceeds will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Knights will have a table set up outside the church after each Mass at St. Mary on Palm Sunday weekend April 1st and 2nd. We will be selling Stop & Shop gift cards (5% of sale benefits St. Vincent DePaul Society).
In recognition of significant need, we are also suggesting a second way you can share your generosity: by donating one or more of the gift cards you purchased (100% of donated cards benefits St. Vincent). Simply drop a purchased gift card into the Donation Box.
ONLINE GIVING OPTION: If people would prefer to contribute online, please visit our Website: Online orders will accept Credit Cards. (Please note that the website will accept donations for this food card drive until April 16.)
We thank you in advance for your continued support and charitable giving for those less fortunate