Business Spotlight: The Little Gym of Medway – Building Strength in Body, Mind and Community

By Jennifer Russo
Imagine a world fueled by the energy and laughter of children. A place dedicated not only to keeping kids active, but which also embraces the idea that movement can teach kids important life skills like listening, teamwork, leadership, and sharing.

We know that exercise increases strength in muscles and bones, but experts also say that physical activity enables children to have a more positive outlook, more confidence, increased self-esteem, and the ability to better manage stress, especially in the winter months. When Nigel and Leah Chan took over the Little Gym about 3 years ago, they were already clients and fans of the philosophy behind the business. A three-dimensional learning concept that focuses on movement, mind and building well-rounded, thoughtful and “good citizen” children.
Classes at The Little Gym are non-competitive and range from parent/child classes (for ages 4 months to 3 years), Pre-K Gymnastics (for ages 3-6 years), Grade School Gymnastics (ages 6-12) and Dance (tap and ballet for ages 3-6). All classes are appropriately challenging for the age group and encourage social and emotional growth.
Gymnastics and dance are unique in that they engage both sides of the brain equally, coordinating spatial awareness and task completion. It helps children to develop and complete goals and think critically about how to achieve them. And all of this is fun!
With over 2,300 square feet of gym space, everything is centered around the “big red mat” – the hub where classes start with warmups, engaged in structured social interaction, proceed to skills learning, and conclude with a reflective and fun activity. This area has become synonymous with fostering social interaction and building community.
“We really want The Little Gym to be a place where families can have fun and grow together,” says Nigel. “Introducing socialization at an early age helps kids to be even more prepared when they start attending school.”
“It’s also a wonderful opportunity for local families to meet and form lasting bonds,” Leah shares. “Many parents start amazing friendships by meeting others through their kids’ activities. So, it’s just as much a place for parents as it is for their kids.”
Though the business has been in this location for 20 plus years, when Leah and Nigel took over, they really wanted to give it a facelift – it was “well-loved”, but the couple envisioned a fresher, lighter and brighter feel. They upgraded the equipment, added lots of color, and brought new life to the space. With a great staff of friendly people who love to have fun and a goal to have every child leave excited and smiling, it has really become a “happy place” for all. The bright and welcoming space is also great in the winter months and is a safe place to play when it gets dark so early outdoors.
In addition to their regularly scheduled classes, The Little Gym of Medway also offers super fun community events, open to members and non-members. From their Winter Wonderland Ugly Sweater Party coming up on January 12th to a “Talls and Smalls” caregiver/child dance, a Back to School Bash, and an annual Halloween party, the hope is to bring together families for a night of fun each month. These events can be signed up for through their website.
The Little Gym of Medway has also become renowned as a fantastic facility to host private birthday parties, available Fridays through Sundays throughout the year. These parties are an excellent choice for families whose kids and their friends are looking to enjoy a “Serious Fun” birthday celebration, complete with planned games, music, and activities. It is also an ideal option for the parents who are concerned about providing ample space for children to run around during the winter months. Additionally, their well-trained staff ensures a hassle-free experience by taking care of both the set-up and clean-up before and after the party.
“We encourage people to try one of our introductory classes without any commitment,” says Leah. “It’s a beautiful, safe environment where children can develop physical and social skills, expend their energy, and make friends in the process. It offers kids the opportunity to grow in numerous ways – from enhancing agility to building character.”
Learn more about The Little Gym of Medway and their exciting classes and events. They are located at 74 Main St in Medway. Visit their website at and check them out on Facebook at and Instagram at