Tree Planting Ceremony at Franklin’s Dacey Field Park

Left to Right - Tony Brunetta (Assistant Highway & Grounds Superintendent), Amy M. Frigulietti (Deputy Town Administrator) Ted Cormier-Leger (Town Councilor), Cobi Frongillo (Town Councilor), Carlos Rebelo (Highway & Grounds Superintendent), Jeffrey N. Roy (State Representative), David Leonhard (TruGreen Region Director) and Michael Reed, (TruGreen Market General Manager) Photo by James Gay.
On May 2nd, the Town of Franklin, in partnership with TruGreen accepted 100 trees through their “TruNeighbor” program. The donation of Black Gum, October Morning Glory, Kousa Dogwood, and Grenspire Linden trees, coordinated by State Rep. Jeffery N. Roy (D-Franklin). The trees are part of a partnership between TruGreen and the National Arbor Day Foundation.
To commemorate, a tree-planting ceremony was held at Dacey Field in Franklin, in which one of the first trees received was planted.
“On the heels of Earth Day and Arbor Day, we would like to extend our gratitude to both TruGreen Lawn Care in Franklin for their donation of 100 trees and Representative Roy for coordinating this gift to the Town”, stated Amy Frigulietti, Franklin’s Deputy Town Administrator. “Franklin has made significant strides in recent years towards protecting and enhancing our green infrastructure through open space acquisition, conservation efforts and sustainable practices…”
Representative Roy stated, “From the perspective of climate change and global warming, these trees are actually carbon-capture devices, and I’m thrilled that TruGreen made them available to us…” Between savings in electricity, fuel, and stormwater, CO2 and air value, he pointed out these trees will provide an estimated $43,614.87 in savings for Franklin residents.
Carlos Rebelo, Town of Franklin Highway and Grounds Superintendent also thanked TruGreen and Roy, adding Franklin is a ‘Tree City USA Member.’ As such, “We take pride in planting trees around town and understand the many benefits trees provide … At the Dacey Community Park located on Lincoln Street we will be planting 25 trees at this park which will provide many benefits like shade, support wildlife, add curb appeal, oxygen for the environment and helping to combat global warming. The other trees will be given away through a Street Tree Lottery for residents to plant and also to other environmental justice areas like the Franklin Housing Authority.”
Town Council member Cobi Frongillo added his thanks on behalf of the town for helping “save Franklin money, beautify the Town, and reduce our carbon footprint,” and Michael Reed, TruGreen’s Market General Manager was happy “to be able to partner with State Representative Jeff Roy and The National Arbor Day Foundation with the donation of 100 trees to our hometown of Franklin.”
The upcoming “street tree lottery” with will be advertised throughout the Town and social media. The one condition will be that the tree must be planted along the roadside in front of their property.