Franklin Rod & Gun Club Turns 90!

The Franklin Rod & Gun Club will celebrate its 90th anniversary this month with a celebration on August 24th. Here’s an image from their 50th celebration, taken in 1984. Photos used courtesy of Franklin Rod & Gun Club
By J.D. O’Gara
On Saturday, August 24th, the Franklin Rod & Gun Club will be celebrating its 90th year. The club was begun in 1934, when 58 members met at the shop of Urban C. Holmes, and the group unanimously elected James A. Supple its first President, along with John Stults as VP, Basil M. Parsons as Secretary and Urban C. Holmes as Treasurer.
Franklin Rod & Gun still operates its club house on land purchased in 1938. In fact, the club house took original members almost three years to build, finally getting electricity in October 1940, says Jim Gianotti, current club President, adding, “They used picks and shovels; they even had to build the road, with horses just to get down there.” Members stay true to the clubhouse’s original design.
“There have been some updates over the years,” says Gianotti, “but we try to keep its original design. The most prominent and original is the huge fireplace that was the source of heat for a long time.”
The Franklin Rod & Gun Club was created “to promote the interest of legitimate sport with rod and gun, to enforce the laws for protecting and propagation of fish and game within the state, and to secure such further legislation in this direction may be needed, and to effect the opening if possible of posted land and waters.”
“We have stayed true to the original mission of the club. Although there is no more hunting on club land, we make available the only access for the public to enjoy Uncas Pond. We work with the State to make sure the pond is stocked multiple times and of course, host the annual Fishing Derby,” says Gianotti, pleased that well over half of the 300 who attended this year’s family event were young children.
At 238 members, the group has seen a lot of growth in the past year, with a record-breaking number joining this past June. Some members even built a new kayak rack this year. About half of the memberships joins to fish the pond, another 15% are interested in the downstairs pistol range (Gianotti and another six members are NRA-certified and teach classes once a month), and, says Gianotti, “The other 35% is really (joining) for the social aspect. We have game nights and things like that, horseshoes and pool, darts, cornhole and lots of activities Monday and Wednesday nights.”
First year membership is $125, with a $75 initiation fee. For senior and junior members, the cost is $75. All members are allowed to take their significant other and children down as well, says Gianotti, so a family membership isn’t necessary, and he’s happy families are together enjoying the outdoors.
In preparation for the anniversary event on August 24th, Gianotti has been going through club records and photos. “Awhile back, we came across fifteen 7”, 16MM film reels dating back to 1936. We hope to have them digitized and available for the August party.”
With this historical research, however, some questions arise.
“We are finding it challenging to find decedents of the original members. I have not seen much of the old reels, but I am assuming there are going to be a lot of faces we won’t recognize. Soon, we will get some more information on our Facebook page, but for now, if anyone is a descendent or friend of the following original members, please contact us:”
1. James A. Supple
2. John Stults
3. Basil M Parsons
4. Urban C. Holmes
5. Lloyd (Bill) Whittaker
6. William McGonchie or MacConachie
7. Winfield Gehman
8. George Farrar
9. Willis Chase
10. Joe Willert
11. George Ardill
12. Bill Goodwin
13. Harvey Legee
14. Nilo Geromini
You can find the Franklin Rod & Gun Club on Facebook or visit them at their website,
50th anniversary cover.jpg