Historic Happenings at the Franklin Historical Museum for August 2024

Franklin Historical Museum Bridal Exhibit continues until to Sunday Aug. 4
Back by popular demand, the Franklin Historical Museum provides a glimpse of bridal styles from the late 19th century to the recent past, including our stunning World War II wedding gown from 1946 sewn from a capture Japanese military parachute! The exhibit is open during regular hours, Saturdays 10-1 and Sundays 1-4, closed July 4 weekend. FREE (donations encouraged).
Beyond Just Hollywood OR Bollywood – A look at the shared elements and differences between two great democratic nations.
In recent decades, Massachusetts, and Franklin in particular, have seen a significant influx of residents with roots in India. Yet despite numerous shared values and aspirations many non-Indian people are only vaguely aware of Indian history and culture – and something similar is often true for immigrant Indians with regard to many aspects of America (and Franklin!). On Saturday and Sunday, August 17 and 18, the Franklin Historical Museum will share programming that builds on history, honors India’s Independence Day, (celebrated officially every August 15), and will provide a chance for visitors to learn about what unites India and the USA with plenty of opportunities to learn about India and the Indian-American community in the area. This program is different from many of our museum offerings and offers a chance to celebrate history while building community connections for today. Details will be posted on the museum Website as they become available. FREE (Donations encouraged)
Coming in September, a return of `Cinema 80’ ‘Silent Saturday’ films and a new musical performance series will also debut. Chris Leverone, a videographer and graphics artist from Franklin, has developed a new program of silent films in cooperation with the Franklin Senior Center. Also, a newly rebuilt, Franklin-made Trowbridge Piano will be at center stage as we explore music with a historic touch.
The Franklin Historical Museum is located at 80 West Central Street, Franklin. The museum is open Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. - 1p.m. and Sunday afternoons from 1-4:00 p.m. The museum will be closed Independence Day weekend, July 6 and 7.
When visiting the museum, please consider donating a non-perishable item for the Franklin Food Pantry. Questions? Contact Alan Earls at (508) 560 3786.
Visit us online at https://www.franklinmuseum1778.com