Historic Happenings at Franklin Historical Museum December 2024

NOTE: The last two Decembers at the Museum have featured a display of detailed miniature models of the center of Franklin, circa 1932. This year, the exhibit has been postponed and will be back bigger and better in March, 2025!
Sun. Dec. 1– Introducing “Stocking Stuffer Sunday” with a gift shop sale, music, and MRS. CLAUS! Everyone knows about Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday...but in Franklin we also now have STOCKING-STUFFER SUNDAY. The Gift Shop at the Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central Street, is holding a special sale (half price on ALL books) -- and special hours -- on Sunday, Dec. 1, with something for anyone who lives (or has ever lived) in Franklin-- Stocking Stuffers and beyond! We have little things for little kids, and things to please any adult...The Special Stocking Stuffer Sunday hours are from noon to 5 pm. Plus, with every $10 purchase you are eligible for a free drawing on Dec 8 to win a teddy bear! Bring the kids for a free photo-op with Mrs Claus from 1-3. There will be seasonal music and, of course, the historic displays at the museum.
Can’t make it? The Gift Shop at the Museum is also open during regular museum hours, 10-1 on Saturdays and 1 to 4 on other Sundays AND extended hours on Dec. 7...Check out a preview at https://www.franklinmuseum1778.com (just click on the Gift Shop tab) * The shop is operated by the Friends of the Franklin Historical Museum, a 501 (c) 3.
Sat Dec. 7 A-Wreath-a-Franklin: Sip Shop Stroll & Roll
The museum will be open during A-Wreath-a-Franklin: Sip Shop Stroll & Roll fun, from noon to 7 p.m., with a film at 5. This festive community celebration is sponsored by the Franklin Downtown Partnership and the Department of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy! Sip, Shop Stroll and Roll will offer festive beverages, raffles and live music around the downtown.
Sat. Dec. 7 Film themed in honor of Pearl Harbor Day-- The critically acclaimed classic, “So Proudly We Hail”
The story of the lives of three U.S. Army nurses who leave San Francisco for their tour of duty in Hawaii in December 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor changes their destination, and their lives. Led by Lt. Janet Davidson, the nurses are sent to Bataan, in the Philippines. Faced with untested nurses, the group quickly become battle-weary veterans. When Bataan falls, the American forces flee to the offshore island of Corregidor, where they find the Japanese assault just as intense. The movie was released in 1943 and is 126 minutes in length. The showing begins at 5 p.m. Our Cinema 80 Film series is produced in cooperation with the Franklin Senior Center.
Sun. Dec. 8--Second Sunday Speaker Series: WCVB Chronicle’s Ted Reinstein.
Journalist and author Ted Reinstein has reported all around New England for 25 years, telling the colorful stories of this historic , ever-changing corner of America. Now, he condenses his countless travels into a single, labor of love: Travels through the Heart and Soul of New England -- Stories of Struggle, Resilience, and Triumph. With his always flawless presentation skills, Ted will share some of the stories and the process of gathering them and creating the book. The museum opens at 1, Ted will present starting at 1:15 and will be available to autograph books after his presentation. The museum is open until 4. Admission is free, donations always appreciated.
Sun. Dec. 15 “Third Sunday” Music at the Museum program features a Chamber Music Ensemble
The museum will come alive with seasonal favorites. Come to listen and watch or come to check out the museum, with ‘music on the side.’ The museum opens at 1 and the program will start at about 1:15. The event is FREE, but donations are welcome.
Sunday Dec. 22 and Saturday Dec. 28th Pick Up Your Luminaries!
Franklin Boy Scouts Troop 126 are again selling luminaries. The scouts hope everyone will share them on New Year’s Eve. They must be preordered and can be picked up at the Franklin Historical Museum at 80 West Central Street on Sunday, December 22nd, from 1-3 p.m. and Saturday, December 28th, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. (A portion of the proceeds is shared with both the Franklin Historical Museum and the Franklin Food Pantry.) Boy Scouts will also deliver the kits to Franklin residents for an extra $3. Then, on New Year’s Eve, at 6 p.m., everyone joins together in lighting their luminaries! More information is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KOnNLt6Og7vXOCryhSSmYpHv5b0LXnc7/view?usp=sharing
Cinema 80, captained by videographer and cinephile Chris Leverone, will be back in the New Year for another season of amazing free film entertainment on Saturdays at 6 p.m., in coordination with the Franklin Senior Center.
The Franklin Historical Museum is located at 80 West Central Street, Franklin. The museum is open Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. (except as noted above) and Sunday afternoons from 1-4 p.m.
When visiting the museum, please consider donating a non-perishable item for the Franklin Food Pantry. Questions? Contact Alan Earls at (508) 560 3786. Visit us online at https://www.franklinmuseum1778.com