
December 1
“Stocking Stuffer Sunday”, 12-5 p.m., The Gift Shop at the Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central St., Franklin, special sale (half price on ALL books), and with every $10 purchase you are eligible for a free drawing on Dec 8 to win a teddy bear! Bring the kids for a free photo-op with Mrs. Claus from 1-3.
December 3
Voice of Franklin Toastmasters, 7:30 p.m., Franklin TV, 23 Hutchinson St., Franklin, Zoom option also available, visit
December 5
Dean College’s Holiday Lighting Ceremony, sundown, Dean College lawn on Awpie Way, event includes holiday entertainment and performances by Dean students. Holiday lightings will include a Christmas Tree, A Menorah, and a Kwanzaa Kinara.
Make an Ornament Night, 6:30-8:30 p.m., sponsored by Franklin LGBTQ Alliance, Franklin TV, 23 Hutchinson St., Franklin, make an ornament for Franklin Senior Center’s Winter Wonderland.
December 6
Ayla Brown Christmas, 7:30 p.m., Hopkinton Center for the Arts, 98 Hayden Rowe St., Hopkinton, For more info. and link for tickets, visit event calendar at
December 7
Holiday Wreath and Arrangement Sale: The Franklin Garden Club fundraiser, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Daddario’s Hardware Store, 528 West Central Street, Franklin, holiday wreaths, swags and cemetery and patio boxes from $20- $40, by cash, credit, check or Venmo, @franklingardenclubma.
Sip, Shop, Stroll & Roll, A Wreath of Franklin event, 12-7 p.m., Downtown Franklin, specialty cocktails, raffles, family crafts, artisanal goodies & live music, snow date for details
Franklin Art Association Collage Workshop by Lenny Moskowitz, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Franklin TV, 23 Hutchinson St., Franklin, $65. To register, contact Susan Plume at [email protected] or text (508) 846-2589 and send a check payable to FAA to: Treasurer, Franklin Art Association, 279 East Central St., PO 289, Franklin, MA 02028
Concert: Celtic & Christmas with Jeff Snow, 3 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
Christmas Fair, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin Crafts • Raffle • Silent Auction • Gift Baskets • Cookie Walk • Snack Bar. .
Visit Facebook at St John’s Episcopal Church, or (508) 528-2387
The Heather Pierson Trio presents ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ album as recorded by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, and other Guaraldi compositions,, 7:30 p.m., Circle of Friends Coffeehouse, 262 Chestnut St., Franklin, visit for information and tickets.
Franklin Historical Museum Cinema 80 and Franklin Senior Center presents So Proudly We Hail, 5 p.m.,80 West Central St., Franklin, 1943 film follows the life of three U.S. Army nurses during Pearl Harbor.
Wicked Queer Game Night, 6-9:30 p.m., Pete’s Nerd Emporium, 10 Main St., Franklin, sponsored by Franklin LGBTQ Alliance
December 8
Pre-Chanukah Glow Party, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Temple Beth Torah, 2162 Washington St., Holliston, free latke bar with toppings, glow in the dark games, crafts & dancing, glow menorah lighting, free to public
Christmas Country Fair, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., St. Blaise Parish Hall,1158 S. Main St., Bellingham, kids’ zone, Santa 10-2, raffles, homemade gifts and more.
Munchkins with Santa, 10 a.m., Bellingham Police Department, 30 Blackstone St., Bellingham
Ayla Brown Christmas, 7:30 p.m., Hopkinton Center for the Arts, 98 Hayden Rowe St., Hopkinton, For more info. and link for tickets, visit event calendar at
December 8
Pictures with Santa, Franklin Police Department, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 911 Panther Way, Franklin, Santa and Mrs. Claus will take over the Chief’s Office for pictures, For more info.: Contact Officer Rosa at (508) 528-1212 ext. 1556 or [email protected]
Second Sunday Speaker Series presents WCVB Chronicle’s Ted Reinstein, 1:15 p.m., Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central St., Franklin, journalist and author will discuss his new book Travels through the Heart and Soul of New England -- Stories of Struggle, Resilience, and Triumph
December 9
Sondheim Showcase, 7 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
Milford Regional Tree of Life Fundraiser, 5:30-7 p.m., Milford Regional Hospital, 14 Prospect St., Milford, ornaments and luminaries in honor of those lost to cancer available for purchase, event includes short ceremony and tree lighting.
December 10
Franklin High School Chorus & Orchestra Winter Concert, 7 p.m., Franklin High School Auditorium, 218 Oak St., Franklin
December 11
Pocus Magic Show! Wednesday, 1 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin magic, hilarious comedy, music, puppets, and snowy surprises for children (and adults).
Franklin High School Concert Band and Wind Ensemble Winter Concert, 7 p.m., Franklin High School Auditorium, 218 Oak St., Franklin
LGBTQ Book Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Pete’s Nerd Emporium, 10 Main St., Franklin, sponsored by Franklin LGBTQ Alliance, book title Guapa, by Saleem Haddad
December 12
Franklin Senior Center Winter Wonderland, 4:30-7 p.m., 10 Daniel McCahill St., Franklin, Elvis, Santa & Mrs. Clause, Franklin Fire - touch-a-truck, decorated trees, kids’ crafts, Santa’s Village, Hot chocolate, Cookies
Franklin Federated Church “Blue Christmas,” 7 p.m., 171 Main Street, Franklin, a service for those who are having a hard time with the “merry” aspect of Christmas, whether due to grieving or loneliness.
December 13
Franklin Public Library Book Sale, 1-5 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
December 14
Franklin Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council #1847 Christmas Gift Card Drive, following all Masses on this day, 5% of all gift cards goes to SvDP, OR purchase cards for SvDP, also online at
Franklin Public Library Book Sale, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
First Universalist Society of Franklin “Holiday Cookie Walk,” 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., 262 Chestnut St., Franklin
Maker Moments: Silk Scarves, 1 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin, Registration Required, craft class for adults will cover painting on silk with alcohol inks.
Visit with Santa, Take a Picture, Receive a Treat, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Bethany House Hope Chest, 1134 Main Street, Millis. The Hope Chest is an eclectic second-hand store operated by the Bethany House Ministries, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to “provide a compassionate, healing environment of hope and to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to those facing challenges, especially those impacted by the harsh realities of prison.” Visit for more information.
December 15
Franklin Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council #1847 Christmas Gift Card Drive, following all Masses on this day, 5% of all gift cards goes to SvDP, OR purchase cards for SvDP, also online at
“Third Sunday” Music at the Museum, 1:15 p.m., Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central St., Franklin, program features a Chamber Music Ensemble, FREE, but donations welcome.
December 17
Voice of Franklin Toastmasters, 7:30 p.m., Franklin TV, 23 Hutchinson St., Franklin, Zoom option also available, visit
December 19
Christmas Gift Wrapping Fundraiser, 3:30-8 p.m., Franklin VFW Post 3402, 1034 Pond St., Franklin, get trash bag full of Christmas gifts wrapped for $20-$30 donation to Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Foundation for Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Wrap-a-Thon, Thursday, 6 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin, Join us for a Thursday Night Wrap-a-thon with music and cocoa!
December 23
Mobile Mini Golf! 1-4 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
December 24
Franklin Federated Church “Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols,” 5 p.m. on December 24th, includes Bible passages about the Christmas story as well as non-Bible poems and reflections interspersed with Christmas carols. Worshippers will share the light, passing one candle to the next, in the final carol, “Silent Night.”
December 26
Pumpernickel Puppets! 10:30 a.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
December 27
Toe Jam Puppet Band! 1 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
December 28
Scott Martell Magic Show! 10:30 a.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
December 28
Hanukkah Celebration, 5 p.m., Beaver Pond, Franklin
December 30
Zoo Show with Records & Burpee!, 1 p.m., Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin
Best for ages 5+
December 31
The First Universalist Society in Franklin (FUSF) New Year’s Eve Labyrinth Walk, 5 – 7 p.m., 262 Chestnut St., Franklin, Experience a candlelit labyrinth in our sanctuary.