Franklin Newcomers to Feature New Town Council Members

Come join your friends and neighbors at the Franklin Newcomers & Friends Club monthly Meeting. Meet us upstairs at “3” Restaurant on Wednesday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. Typically we meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at “3” . . . however, we switched nights in order to host some, post-election, newly elected Town Council members. The Town Council also meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month. They will speak about some of the new initiatives and other things in the works.
Complimentary appetizers and beverages will be served, and a cash bar is available.
No need to be a newcomer to the area . . . and no need to RSVP. Come join us and have fun while you make connections in your community. We are a multi-generational club offering a wide range of activities for all ages with an emphasis on fun and camaraderie. We are a member driven organization and are always excited to welcome new faces and new ideas.
Residents of Franklin, or any surrounding town that doesn’t have a Newcomers Club, are welcome to join us the 3rd Wednesday of the month. We run our meetings September through May. We also hold many fun and varied events throughout the year to stay connected. We meet at “3” Restaurant, 461 W. Central Street, Franklin, upstairs in a private room.
So come join us on the 3rd Wednesday at “3”!
Look for us on our Meetup and Facebook pages for more information.