Franklin Veterans News November 2021

• The Franklin Veterans Office has a new Veterans Services Officer, U.S. Army veteran Shannon Nisbett. Ms. Nisbett can be reached at (508) 613-1315.
• “Tune It Out,” a guitar instruction program for veterans, is going very well. Local music instructor Jamie Barrett is teaching the class along with three other volunteer guitarists. We have guitars available for those who are interested. Class meets every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Interested veterans can call our office for details.
• Members of the American Legion Post #75 volunteer their time monthly by visiting local veterans and playing Bingo at Benchmark Senior Living, Cedarwood Gardens, The Enclave and Magnolia Heights. Their visits to the VA hospitals are suspended due to the pandemic.
• We are having another brick installation on the Memorial Walkway in November to coincide with Veterans Day. The date for ordering has passed, but folks can order now for the May (Memorial Day) installation.
• Our next Veterans Coffee Social is on Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. in the Senior Center multi-purpose room. All vets are welcome to attend for updates, coffee and conversation. Refreshments are provided by our friends at Starbucks. The Dec. Coffee Social will be held on Dec. 1.
• The Franklin Veterans Office does send holiday cards to deployed veterans via a veterans’ group on Cape Cod. Franklin residents can sign cards in the Senior Center lobby.