FHS Class of ’71 Celebrates

The Franklin High School Class of 1971 held its 50th reunion on Friday evening October 1, 2021 at the Franklin Country Club. The Reunion Committee met over the course of the last two years to plan the event. Although there were concerns about Covid, in the end a safe and fun event was able to be held.
The celebration began on June 4th with some Classmates attending the FHS 2021 graduation, being recognized by Principal Hanna and given a warm welcome. This tradition of inviting the 50-year graduates was established many years ago by the FPS.
One of our Classmates, Colleen Pease Martin is a quilter. She came to the Committee last year to ask if we would consider recognizing the Veterans of the Class of 1971 through the Quilts of Valor (qovf.org) program. Her efforts spanned many months, communication with our local Veterans Department and resulted in 6 quilts being awarded to Franklin Veterans at their August 7th Purple Heart event and 8 quilts being awarded to Veterans of the Class of 1971 during a ceremony at the Historical Museum before the reunion evening began. These quilts were donated by the Myrtle Beach Shorebirds, Myrtle Beach, SC. For more information about the Quilts of Valor go to: qovf.org The QOV ceremony was moving and respectful for those in attendance.
Interesting Facts from the Class of 1971:
• We were the last 8th grade class to graduate from the Davis Thayer School
• We attended double sessions all 4 years
• We were the last class to hold our Prom in the gym, the theme was Camelot
• We had 264 graduates and the largest class in 99 years
• 46 of our classmates are deceased
• We were the last class to graduate from what is now the Oak/Mann complex
Through the generosity of many of our classmates, we raised $7,000 in scholarship money; Seven $1000 scholarships were awarded to the Class of 2021.
The evening was all about reconnecting with classmates, enjoying good food and conversation. One of our classmates donated FHS logo masks for all to wear; one classmate made 1971-2021 Commemorative Panther refrigerator magnets for all to take home; there was a display of fun facts from 1971 and a guest book to sign in. Paul Vicario of Vicario Studios was the photographer for the event.
The reunion Committee wishes to thank all our classmates and hope to see you again!
Patti Brogan Wyllie
Sally Costello Cupka
Roberta DeBaggis Trahan
Phyllis Messere Malcolm
Ellen Newell McGrath
Colleen Pease Martin
Bill Nunnally
John Piekarski
Jan Pruvot Prentice
Libby Steel Giancola
Margaret Steel Anderson