Warm Coats, Warm Hearts for Local Vets

On January 15th, legislators from neighboring districts worked with the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation to distribute coats to veterans provided by consumers incentivized by a grant from the Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation. The event took place at the Bellingham VFW. From left, Jim Hastings, Rep. Brian Murray (D-Milford), Bellingham VFW Commander Tom Lane, Rep. Jeff Roy (D-Franklin), Nick Paganella, Joe Ebert, Rep. Shawn Dooley (R-Norfolk), Rep. Mike Soter (R-Bellingham), Joe McKenna and Brian Scanlon. John Clancy, center.
By Judith Dorato O’Gara
On one of the coldest days so far of this winter, local veterans were given a little help staying warm.
On Saturday, January 15th, at the Bellingham VFW, Massachusetts State legislators gathered with Bellingham veterans and the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation (www.mmsf.org) to distribute warm winter coats for veterans. Coats were provided by consumers participating in generous sponsorship by the Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation. (https://www.oceanstatejoblot.com/foundation . Consumers who purchased coats were provided with a Job Lot gift card worth the amount of the donation’s value.
“We have a huge veteran population in this area,” said Rep. Mike Soter (R-Bellingham). “This is the second year we’ve done it, and I reached out to my colleagues. We had a very short window, but it’s for all veterans. We wanted to make sure every veteran who needs (a coat) gets one.”
Bellingham VFW Commander Tom Lane remarked that this was the first year the event was held at this location, but when Rep. Soter asked, the answer was an immediate yes, noting the organization was happy to “donate the hall and host it. It’s great when you can help another veteran. You come in cold, you go home warm.”
Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin) added that the legislators themselves didn’t hesitate to join the cause. “This was a bipartisan effort,” said Roy, in order to support veterans in the area.
“It was great to make it so widespread,” added Rep. Shawn Dooley (R-Norfolk). Dooley noted that some of his constituents went out of their way to get to Ocean State Job Lot just to participate and donate to the program.
“It made a lot of sense to regionalize this district so we could provide as many coats (to vets) as we could,” said Rep. Brian Murray, (D-Milford). “I think it was a great event.”
About 46 veterans signed up in advance to receive coats. Due to the extremely cold weather, a number were unable to make it to the Bellingham VFW, and so legislators from their communities planned to deliver the coats to the veterans in their districts.
The legislators also noted that the event often leaves them with some extra coats, and that any veterans who are constituents in their districts and who need a warm coat can reach out to their offices, and they will do their best to get a coat out to them.
Soter explained that the collaboration between his peers at the State House was so successful, they’ll look to partner up again with MMSF’s Food4Vets program and other initiatives.
Barbara Foley, of MMSF, attended the event and pointed out that Worcester County has 43,000 veterans. Her organization, serving 383,000 veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families who live in Massachusetts, aims to provide programs, services and goods that help satisfy critical needs and enhance their well-being and quality of life. Its website states:
“Each of our programs are designed to have maximum impact on the many issues Veterans and active-duty Military face. We provide solutions that make a long-lasting, life-changing difference for these brave men and women.”