January 2022 Press Release February at Franklin Public Library

Library Hours
The Franklin Public Library will be closed Monday, February 21 for Presidents’ Day. Regular hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday 1:30-5 p.m.
Homework Help Program
The Franklin Public Library’s free Homework Help program for grades 1-8 takes place Monday-Thursday, 3-5 p.m. Application forms are available at the Circulation Desk and at https://www.franklinma.gov/children-teen-services/pages/homework-assistance-program .
One Book, One Community Winter 2022
The Franklin Public Library is having a Winter 2022 One Book, One Community program to bring the community together by reading and discussing a common book. The featured book is The 71/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.
The library will be hosting a discussion of the book on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7 p.m.
Special Events for Kids & Families
• Kid’s Take & Make: Disney Friend Magnets!
Starting Tuesday, February 1st, pick up your very own Disney Friend Magnet kit! Kits include supplies and instructions. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED!
• Marble Run Challenge! Tuesday, February 1st - Friday, February 25th
Special program brought to you by our VolunTeens! Register, pick up your kit and complete the tasks to earn materials that you will use to build your very own marble run! Then test your design on the 26th!
• Lunar New Year Scavenger Hunt! Saturday February 5th
• Galentine’s Day! Saturday, February 5th @1-3 p.m.
Drop-in and spend some time crafting with your favorite gals! We’ll have different crafts and a nail polish station!
• Baby Sensory! Saturday February 19th @9:30 a.m.
45-minute baby sensory program! Babies under 2 are welcome and encouraged! (Older siblings can bring along a stuffed toy or baby and play along!)
• Winter Beach Party! Saturday February 19th @10:30 a.m.
Families! Join us as we turn our big program room into an indoor summer oasis! Grab a cold drink and hit the play sand, enjoy beach balls, sand castles, snacks, and groovy tunes!
• Tea Dragon Society Tea Party! Saturday February 19th @3 p.m.
Join us for a celebration of the lovely graphic novel series, including games, crafts, and tea!
• Twos-Day Scavenger Hunt! Tuesday February 22nd
Tuesday 2/22/22! Find 20 “22s” hidden around the children’s and teen rooms!
• Pumpernickel Puppets! Tuesday February 22nd @10:30 a.m.
• Weekend Wiggles! Saturday February 12th and February 26thth @10:30 a.m.
A weekend storytime for littles and their grown-ups! Ideal for children ages 2-5!
• Stuffed Animal Sleepover! Wednesday February 23rd @6 p.m.
What kind of trouble can a bunch of stuffed animals cause in an empty library? Let’s find out! Bring one of your favorite stuffed friends for a cozy storytime, then leave them in our care for the evening!
• Slime Time! Thursday February 24th @1 p.m.
• Marble Run Showcase! Saturday, February 26th @ 1 p.m.
Special Events for Teens
• Teen Take & Makes: Nail String Art!
• Pick up your own kit. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED!
• Tea Dragon Society Tea Party! Saturday February 19th @3 p.m.
• Crime Time Mysteries! Saturday February 12th @2 p.m. AGES 13+ Join us for an immersive murder mystery game from “Hunt a Killer” that is told over the course of six “episodes.”
Events for Adults
Take and Make Craft for Adults: Argyle Heart Wreath (one kit per person)
Alice’s Ordinary People with filmmaker Craig Dudnick, Tuesday, February 8, 7 p.m.
Alice’s Ordinary People is a documentary about Alice Tregay – a woman who refused to stand still for injustice and brought others together to change what was. Her remarkable story spans the historic period from the marches of Dr. King to the election of Barack Obama. The film can be watched for free on Kanopy but it is not required. For more information, please visit imaginevideo.org and click the tab for Alice’s Ordinary People. To register, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvce2prz8iH9fUF5Y1U8zbml9FFQh9wVdk .
Sen. Edward M. Brooke: the First African American Elected to the Senate, Tues., February 15, 7 p.m.
Local historian Alan Earls, will deliver a slide presentation covering Brooke’s fascinating life and, in particular, his role in Massachusetts and his visit to Franklin!
Franklin Public Library Book Club, Tuesday, February 22, 7 p.m.
The book for discussion is The Vanishing Half, by Brit Bennett.
Book Club meetings are now taking place both in-person at the Library and on Zoom. To participate through Zoom, please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kduuppj0oGd1riTUPnGfsy7Qph0WGxF7K .
Knitting Group, Fridays, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.