Franklin Burning Permits 2022

Burning Season is between January 15 and May 1; Permits Required
Burning is determined on a day-by-day basis by the State of Massachusetts; Dependent upon weather conditions, air quality and ground Conditions. You only need one permit per year!
Please note that obtaining a permit is not permission to burn on any specific day. You must call the Burning Permit Line (508) 553-5574 in between 9 a.m. and noon each day to see if burning is allowed. You do not need to leave a message.
Visit to apply or visit the town website at and visit Franklin Fire Department’s page to find the link.
Open Burning Requirements and Responsibilities
Open burning under poor atmospheric conditions can create a smoke nuisance, aggravate health and respiratory conditions. If not done properly and controlled, it can also endanger life, real property, and woodlands. For these reasons, open burning is closely regulated in Massachusetts by multiple regulatory organizations.
Burning rules include:
• Brush, cane, driftwood, forestry debris, agriculture-related materials, agricultural land clearing only, and fungus-infected Elmwood are allowed under the following conditions:
• Burning must be at least 75 feet from any dwellings.
• Burning must be carried out between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. The fire must be extinguished by 4 p.m.
• Burning must begin by noon.
• A water source to control and extinguish the fire must be present.
Burning of the following materials is PROHIBITED and may subject you to revocation of your permit and/or a fine:
• Grass, hay, leaves, and stumps. YOU MAY NOT BURN LEAVES.
• Tires
• Construction materials and lumber
EACH day of burning, you must
• Call (508) 553-5574 each day in between 9am and noon to see if burning is allowed.
• Have a means of controlling the fire, such as a garden hose, pressurized water pump, shovels and rakes, with sufficient help.
• Attend fire at all times
• Extinguish the fire fully by 4 p.m.
The Fire Chief maintains the right to revoke any permits or to cancel any permits due to high forest fire danger or to deny a permit to any person who he believes will not follow the Open Burning Requirements and Responsibilities or to any person who has violated these requirements in the past.
Safety Tips
• Never use gasoline or other flammable liquids to start a fire.
• An adult must attend the fire until it is extinguished.
• Watch the wind and be prepared to extinguish the fire.
• Don’t delay a call for help if the fire gets out of control. Don’t hesitate to contact the fire department.
• Select a location away from utility lines.
• Burn one small pile and add to it.
• It is recommended that you burn upon sandy or gravely land free from living or dead vegetation.
Neighborly Reminder
Please be considerate to your neighbors and your surroundings. Creating a nuisance is grounds for permit revocation.