Franklin Garden Club Explores Interior Plant Landscape Design

The Franklin Garden Club will sponsor a program on “Interior Plant Landscape Design” on Tuesday, February 1, at 7 p.m. at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA. The program will be presented by Bellingham resident Jen Kuse, who is experienced in designing indoor and outdoor plantscapes and gardens for both private homes and commercial buildings. She also oversees the highly successful Franklin Food Pantry community garden. The program is open to the public at no charge.
Kuse’s presentation will include the following topics: information on the benefits of plants, including tropical plants, the most commonly used interior plants; examples of plants that do the best indoors; conditions and care required for plants; how to deal with common diseases and pest problems; organic methods for integrated pest management; basic design ideas for the home and office; and where to obtain tropical plants. The program will include an opportunity to obtain plants used in the presentation with proceeds going to the Franklin Food Pantry.
Kuse, a graduate of Dean College, has more than 25 years of experience in designing plantscapes and gardens, primarily through her affiliation with the Interiorscapes Division of Central Nurseries of Johnston, RI
In addition to its monthly programs, the Garden Club supports several service activities including planting and maintaining the Franklin Town Common gardens and the planters at the Franklin Library, sponsoring an annual scholarship, distributing pine tree seedlings in the elementary schools, and sponsoring special projects with other community organizations. The Franklin Garden Club, founded in 1987, became a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts in 2015. It meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Franklin Senior Center, from September through June. Find Franklin Garden Club on Facebook.